Its my Birthday can i really cry if i want too?

Happy burfday to me! 

I can’t believe I am 23 years old. I didnt know a few years ago that i would be here to witness it . My life was a mess but standing in my home today cleaning up the little messes at 7:58 am already. All i can think is how Blessed and gracious i am for being able to enjoy these moments. Thankful for getting woken up even earlier than usual …and on my Birthday that would have pissed me off 4 years ago. Today a little sleepy eyed 18 month old woke me up smiling from ear to ear. She doesnt know its my Birthday but she sure does know how to make my heart melt. 

Getting a text at 8:05 from a beautiful 11 year old that im so thankful to call my stepdaughter. You are so beautiful and sweet my dear! Her telling me she understands that it must be hard taking care of an 11,9, and 1 yr old and loves me even on my worst days. 

Chris telling the world how he loves me and wants to grow old with me and how I am his best friend just as he is mine. 

Having each and everyone of my friends wishing me a wonderful day. 

These are the best gifts a girl can ask for. 

Who knew at 23 my heart could be full of love and laughter ? 

As you get older its funny how things that were important once seem silly now. That you could be doing anything other than cleaning cerel up off the ground or putting away the husbands dishes.  Im thankful i have kids who can eat whatever they want and be messy. Im thankful to have a man that drives me up the damn wall that chooses to love me at the end of the day. To have the best friends a girl could ask for. I guess growing up isnt to bad . 

I find myself using the words thankful, blessed , and gratitude more often the older i get . Because when you are young you dont have the life experiences and struggles that hit as your an adult. 

You catch yourself looking back on ways youve acted or things you’ve said and are in aw of what kind of a person you turned out to be. you can only be old and wise if your young and stupid! Now you can breath , now you can smile. Because you have came such a far way. You have choosen to look inwards and grow as a person . you chose to see your flaws and to work on yourself. You chose to admit you arent as good as you can be. You choose to grow. To flourish . To be better than you were the year before. And this is how you continue to grow up even as an adult. And THANK GOD HE HAS GIVEN ME THE CHANCE. 

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